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H-1B RFE (request for evidence)

H-1B RFE (request for evidence): A Comprehensive Guide (Apply Now)

The H-1B visa is a critical pathway for foreign professionals to work in the United States, especially in specialized fields such as technology, engineering, and academia.

However, the journey to securing an H-1B visa can be complex, often involving a Request for Evidence (RFE) from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

An RFE is a request for additional documentation or information to help USCIS determine an applicant’s eligibility for the H-1B visa. Addressing an RFE promptly and effectively is crucial for the success of the H-1B petition.

Common Reasons for H-1B RFE

Specialty Occupation

One of the most frequent reasons for an H-1B RFE is related to the job being classified as a specialty occupation. USCIS scrutinizes the job description to ensure it meets the requirements of a specialty occupation, which typically mandates a bachelor’s degree or higher in a specific field. To mitigate this, employers must provide detailed job descriptions that clearly outline the specialized nature of the role and its requirements.

Beneficiary Qualifications

Issues with beneficiary qualifications often arise, particularly concerning the equivalency of foreign degrees. USCIS may question whether the beneficiary’s education and experience align with the job requirements. Providing thorough documentation, such as academic transcripts, professional evaluations, and proof of work experience, can help demonstrate the beneficiary’s qualifications.

Labor Condition Application (LCA)

The Labor Condition Application (LCA) is another critical component that can trigger an RFE. USCIS may issue an RFE if there are discrepancies or missing information in the LCA. It is essential to ensure that the LCA is correctly filed and includes all necessary details about the job location, salary, and working conditions.

Employer-Employee Relationship

Concerns about the legitimacy of the employer-employee relationship can also lead to an RFE. USCIS requires proof that a genuine relationship exists and that the employer will have control over the employee’s work. Documentation such as employment contracts, organizational charts, and detailed descriptions of the reporting structure can help establish this relationship.

Additional Reasons

Other common reasons for an RFE include missing documentation, unclear information, or inconsistencies in the application. Ensuring that all forms are filled out accurately and that all required documents are included can help prevent these issues.

What to Do if You Receive an H-1B RFE

Review the RFE Carefully

The first step upon receiving an RFE is to review it thoroughly. Understanding the specific reasons for the RFE is crucial for crafting an effective response. Take note of all the points raised by USCIS and ensure you comprehend what additional information or documentation is required.

Gather Additional Evidence

Based on the RFE’s requirements, gather the necessary additional evidence. This may include:

  • Revised job descriptions that highlight the specialty nature of the occupation.
  • Detailed documentation of the beneficiary’s qualifications, including degree certificates, transcripts, and professional evaluations.
  • Proof of the employer-employee relationship, such as contracts, organizational charts, and descriptions of the reporting structure.
  • Any other documentation that addresses the specific points raised in the RFE.

Step-by-Step Guide for Gathering Evidence

  1. Identify Specific RFE Points: Break down the RFE into specific points that need addressing.
  2. Collect Academic Documents: Gather all relevant academic transcripts, degree certificates, and professional evaluations to prove educational qualifications.
  3. Compile Work Experience Proof: Collect letters from previous employers, detailed resumes, and any other proof of relevant work experience.
  4. Revise Job Descriptions: Ensure job descriptions are detailed and clearly indicate that the role is a specialty occupation.
  5. Document Employer-Employee Relationship: Include detailed organizational charts, employment contracts, and descriptions of how the employee’s work will be supervised and managed.

Seek Legal Counsel

While it is possible to respond to an RFE without legal assistance, consulting an experienced immigration attorney can be highly beneficial. An attorney can provide expert guidance on the best way to address the RFE, help ensure that all necessary documentation is included, and increase the chances of a favorable outcome.

Tips for Responding to an H-1B RFE

Meet the Deadline

Responding within the USCIS-specified timeframe is critical. Missing the deadline can result in the denial of the H-1B petition. Mark the deadline on your calendar and ensure all preparations are made well in advance.

Provide Clear and Concise Responses

When responding to an RFE, clarity and organization are key. Address each point raised in the RFE individually and provide clear, concise responses. Use well-organized language and ensure that the documentation is easy to follow.

Submit All Requested Documentation

Ensure that all requested documents are included in your response package. Double-check the RFE requirements and cross-reference with your response to confirm that nothing is missing. Incomplete responses can lead to further delays or denials.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Ignoring the Details: Overlooking specific details in the RFE can result in an incomplete response.
  2. Late Submission: Missing the deadline can lead to automatic denial.
  3. Insufficient Evidence: Failing to provide adequate documentation to support claims can weaken the response.
  4. Poor Organization: Submitting poorly organized documents can confuse the reviewing officer and hurt your case.

Chances of H-1B Approval After RFE

Receiving an RFE does not necessarily mean that the H-1B petition will be denied. In fact, many RFEs are resolved successfully with a well-prepared response. The key is to address all points raised by USCIS thoroughly and provide compelling evidence to support your case. A meticulously prepared response can significantly increase the chances of H-1B approval.

Case Studies and Examples

Case Study 1: Chemical Engineer Addresses RFE on Specialty Occupation

A highly qualified chemical engineer from India, holding a Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering, sought an H-1B visa to work for a prominent U.S. clean technology company (let’s call it CleanTech Solutions). The company petitioned for the engineer, whom we’ll call Priya Patel. The RFE issued by USCIS questioned whether the “Chemical Research Engineer” position truly qualified as a specialty occupation.

CleanTech Solutions addressed the RFE comprehensively:

  • Enhanced Job Description: They significantly expanded the job description, detailing the specific complexities and requirements of the role. It emphasized the need for a highly skilled engineer with expertise in designing and optimizing green technology processes.
  • Industry Expert Endorsements: Letters were obtained from recognized experts in the green technology field. These letters specifically addressed the specialized nature of the research and development involved in the position and why a candidate with Priya’s qualifications was necessary.
  • Company Innovation Documentation: CleanTech Solutions provided documentation showcasing their leadership in developing innovative clean technology solutions. This further solidified the argument that the position required a highly skilled and specialized engineer.

By comprehensively addressing the RFE with detailed evidence, CleanTech Solutions successfully demonstrated the specialty occupation nature of the role. This resulted in the H-1B petition’s approval for Priya Patel, the chemical engineer.

Case Study 2: Fashion Designer Overcomes RFE on Qualifications

A talented Brazilian fashion designer named Isabella Santos sought an H-1B visa to work for a renowned New York fashion house (let’s call it Divine Designs). The RFE issued by USCIS expressed concerns about whether Isabella’s experience and design approach aligned with the “Fashion Designer” position requirements.

Divine Designs addressed the RFE strategically:

  • Compelling Design Portfolio: A comprehensive portfolio showcasing Isabella’s unique design approach and innovative creations was compiled. This portfolio included sketches, prototypes, and examples of Isabella’s work featured in prestigious fashion publications.
  • Expert Recommendations: Letters from established fashion industry professionals were included. These letters highlighted Isabella’s exceptional talent, unique design perspective, and how it aligned with the specific needs of Divine Designs.
  • Detailed Design Process Breakdown: A detailed explanation of Isabella’s creative process was provided. This outlined the complexity of the design work and the specific skills required to translate concepts into marketable fashion pieces.

By showcasing Isabella Santos’ exceptional talent, unique design approach, and its relevance to Divine Designs’ needs, the RFE was successfully addressed. This ultimately led to the approval of the H-1B visa for the fashion designer.

These case studies demonstrate the importance of providing comprehensive and targeted evidence to address an H-1B RFE. By understanding the specific concerns raised by USCIS and crafting a response that directly addresses those concerns, you can significantly increase your chances of a successful outcome.


Navigating the H-1B RFE process can be challenging, but with the right approach, it is possible to address the RFE effectively and secure the H-1B visa. Key takeaways include understanding the common reasons for an RFE, gathering the necessary additional evidence, and seeking professional guidance when needed. By responding promptly and thoroughly, applicants can enhance their chances of a successful outcome.

For assistance with H-1B visas and RFEs, consider reaching out to EEE Of America. Our experienced immigration attorneys are here to help you navigate the complexities of the H-1B process and improve your chances of approval.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the average processing time for an RFE response?

The processing time for an RFE response can vary, but typically USCIS takes 60 to 90 days to review the response and make a decision. It is important to respond promptly and provide all requested documentation to avoid further delays.

Can I submit an RFE response myself?

Yes, you can submit an RFE response yourself. However, given the complexities involved, it is often beneficial to seek the guidance of an experienced immigration attorney to ensure that the response is thorough and well-prepared.

What happens if I miss the RFE deadline?

Missing the RFE deadline can result in the denial of the H-1B petition. It is crucial to respond within the timeframe specified by USCIS. If you anticipate difficulties meeting the deadline, consult with an immigration attorney immediately to explore possible solutions.

What should I include in my RFE response package?

Your RFE response package should include:

  • A cover letter summarizing the response.
  • Copies of the RFE notice.
  • All additional evidence and documentation requested by USCIS.
  • Clearly labeled and organized sections to address each point raised in the RFE.

Can an RFE be issued for minor clerical errors?

Yes, sometimes an RFE can be issued for minor clerical errors or missing information in the application. It is crucial to carefully review all submitted documents and ensure that every detail is accurate and complete.


For more information on H-1B visas and RFEs, refer to the following USCIS resources:

For personalized assistance, contact EEE Of America to discuss your H-1B visa and RFE needs. Our dedicated team of immigration attorneys is ready to help you navigate this critical process with confidence.